Transilvania LifeStyle Cluster by APM Cluj organizeaza concurs de oferte
in perioada 05- 15 Noiembrie 2021
in conditiile proiectului Global Cosmetics Cluster EU finantat de Comisia Europeana
Angajam un specialist in coaching & mentoring pentru managerii a doua IMM-uri din domeniul materiilor prime si productiei de cosmetice.
Specialistul trebuie sa aiba experienta in training-coaching-mentoring, sa faca parte dintr-o organizatie/retea internationala si sa detina un atestat international de competenta.
Activitatea coach-ului se va desfasoara pe durata a 15 ore de coaching in domeniul vanzarilor si internationalizarii firmelor si lucratorilor din domeniul cosmeticelor.
Oferta va cuprinde:
- cv-ul
- activitatea internationala
- certificate, diplome
- draft contract specific activitatii (in limba engleza)
- programul de coaching La finalul programului, specialistul va prezenta un Raport de activitate si Evaluarea celor doi manageri antrenati.
Ofertele se depun pana la data de 15 Noiembrie 2021 la:
Asociatia Patronilor si Meseriasilor / Transilvania LifeStyle Cluster
Str. Avram Iancu nr. 52 , 400083 Cluj-Napoca, ROMÂNIA
Tel/Fax: +40264430148 , +40264595793
Transylvania LifeStyle Cluster by APM Cluj organizes a tender
between November 05-15 2021
under the conditions of the Global Cosmetics Cluster EU project, funded by the European Commission
We are hiring a specialist in coaching & mentoring for the managers of two SMEs in the field of raw materials and cosmetics production.
The specialist must have experience in training-coaching-mentoring, be part of an international organization / network and have an international certificate of competence.
The coach’s activity will take place during 15 hours of coaching in the field of sales and internationalization of companies and workers in the field of cosmetics.
The offer will include:
- the CV
- international activity
- certificates, diplomas
- activity-specific draft contract (in English)
- coaching program
At the end of the program, the specialist will present an Activity Report and the Evaluation of the two trained managers.
The offers should be submitted until November 15, 2021 at:
Asociatia Patronilor si Meseriasilor / Transylvania LifeStyle Cluster
Str. Avram Iancu nr. 52 ,
400083 Cluj-Napoca, ROMÂNIA
Tel/Fax: +40264430148 , +40264595793
[email protected] https://www.apm.ro/contact