PASSAGE este un proiect susţinut de Uniunea Europeană în cadrul Programului Cadru 7 pentru Cercetare şi Dezvoltare tehnologică (PC7).

PC7 susţine iniţiativele strategice ale Uniunii Europene în domeniul cercetării şi inovării, jucând un rol crucial în atingerea obiectivelor de creştere, competitivitate şi ocupare a forţei de muncă.



îl reprezintă sprijinirea IMM-urilor din industrie pentru identificarea know-how-ului critic ca factor de competitivitate. Prin proiect se dezvoltă unelte IT pentru facilitarea identificării, prezervării şi achiziţionării acestui know-how. În acest sens, va fi dezvoltată o platformă de gestiune a capabilităţilor ce va oferi asociaţiilor industriale din textile şi îmbrăcăminte un set de unelte IT care pot fi folosite de membrii acestora pentru a gestiona în mod eficient know-how-ul existent, a diagnostica nevoia de noi competenţe ce derivă din evoluţia tehnică şi a institui acţiuni preventive de management al cunoştinţelor.

Aceasta se va baza pe o metodologie anticipativă de management al cunoaşterii, dezvoltată în cadrul proiectului, pe unelte IT furnizate ca servicii web:

ACTIVITĂŢILE PROIECTULUI sunt organizate, după cum urmează:

1. Descrierea si identificarea nevoilor strategice în resurse umane
Obiectivul acestui pachet de lucru este selectarea unui set de minim 10 până la 30 de ocupaţii descrise în detaliu în acord cu normele internaţionale de codificare ocupaţională,  folosind o metodologie unitară pentru fiecare regiune parteneră, pentru câte 2 sectoare: textile/îmbrăcăminte şi un alt sector cheie selectat adiţional. Vor fi selectate, analizate şi descrise 100 de ocupaţii strategice. Un ghid online va oferi acces ghidat către profilele identificate şi la statistici, date, studii şi previziuni relevante referitoare la evoluţia acestor ocupaţii.

2. Identificarea Know-Howului critic

Acest pachet de lucru are ca obiectiv dezvoltarea unor unelte web care vor oferi functionalităţi pentri ca IMM-urile să identifice situaţia actuală şi cea viitoare privind nevoile de transfer a know-howului critic, analiza referitoare la impactul asupra companiei a unei eventuale lipse a unor astfel de cunoştinte critice şi nu în ultimul rând susţinerea luării unor decizii pentru acţiuni de asumare a riscurilor.

3. Captarea cunoştinţelor
În cadrul acestui pachet de lucru se vor dezvolta metode şi unelte on-line pentru a falicita procesul de capturare a cunoştinţelor explicite şi implicite în cadrul IMM-urilor.
Livrabilele sunt: ghiduri operaţionale intuitive, pentru captuarea cunoştinţelor de către IMM-uri, set de unelte pentru capturarea cunoştinţelor, cel puţin 100 de cazuri /exemple vor fi colectate şi documentate.

4. Dezvoltarea Platformei pentru Gestionarea Capabilităţilor
Se va dezvolta o aplicaţie web colaborativă pentru integrarea funcţională într-o arhitectură deschisă, modulară şi scalabilă, a sistemelor de stocare de cunoştinţelor, precum şi uneltelor şi serviciilor oferite de către Passage.

5. Dezvoltarea de unelte de invatare
Pachetul de lucru vizează susţinerea diferitelor scenarii de business pentru transferul de cunoştinţe prin identificarea şi asamblarea rapidă a conţinutului care descrie cunoştinţele critice referitoare la o ocupaţie dată şi operaţii de producţie specifice, precum şi proiectarea şi dezvoltarea de conţinutul educaţional interactiv/ghiduri de expertiză referitoare la know-how critic.

6. Instruirea asociaţiilor IMM-urilor
In acest pachet de lucru se realizează familiarizarea asociaţiilor de afaceri şi IMM-urilor partenere cu rezultatele proiectului, prin acţiuni de diseminare şi publicitate.

7. Demonstraţie
Această activitate urmăreşte demonstrarea eficatităţii rezultatelor precum şi validarea uneltelor dezvoltate în cadrul proiectului, în cadrul fiecărei ţări cu utilizatori locali şi factorii interesaţi (IMM-uri, consultanţi profesionişti), şi furnizarea de feedback conform unor scenarii reale de aplicare, în vederea îmbunătăţirii metodelor şi uneltelor.


PASSAGE- An integrated knowledge management solution for the manufacturing sector, to identify, capture and preserve critical industrial know-how.

The objectives of the project are to support industrial SMEs in better preserving and managing core industrial knowledge and enhancing their competitive position based on a better capitalization of knowledge-based advantages.

PASSAGE offers answers to 4 acute problems that SMEs encounter in human resource management:
1. Losses of critical industrial know-how caused by workforce attrition, due not only to ageing population (retirement) but also to downsizing and restructuring, linked to the process of migration of production capacities to low wage labour countries.
2. Needs of acquiring know-how for mastering new technics, processes, linked to increased speeds of innovation in any domain.
3. Needs to improve their know-how each day to remain competitive.
4. Needs to transfer know-how they have to their partners, due to the development of a widely distributed working processes (externalization of tasks, sub-contracting, enrichment of services to clients with knowledge).

For this, the PASSAGE project will develop a web-based “Capability Management Platform”, providing industrial associations and their affiliated SMEs with on-line tools to assess risks of know-how loss, capture, preserve and transfer the existing key industrial expertise and forecast emerging competencies of strategic interest, taking into account the technological evolution and the industrial context.

In particular, for the next five to seven years, maintaining a professional, skilled and qualified labour force will be a major issue in thousands of European businesses. In fact, paralleling the steady aging of the population and the associated retirement wave, some other troubling facts are emerging, such as a growing migration of workers from their country of origin to a higher wage country or lowering investments in manufacturing and research in highly industrialized regions.
This scenario will make it more difficult to reach a satisfactory result in an effort to re-train and keep those strategic skills that
can support a far-sighted strategy for this industry. There is a serious risk of losing a scientific, technological and professional
heritage that, once lost or wasted, would take many years to regain.The problem is exacerbated when the person is regarded
as an expert in its field, either though skills and qualifications or simply through length of time in employment.
Even with regular staff attrition (mostly in sectors facing re-structuring and/or downsizing), most companies will need to find ways of addressing this serious organisational crisis, within a short period of time. The loss of knowledge has implications for HR departments and learning and development professionals, as strategies will need to be developed to enhance knowledge retention, accelerate the learning curve of any new staff as well as attempt to contribute to the existing corporate memory, where it exists.

In this context,
1. It aims to provide friendly knowledge management solutions to SMEs, on a shared cost basis (accesible at cost and level of complexity)
2. It facilitates formalising implicit knowledge , a need rarely addressed
3. It facilitates identifying knowledge in context and connecting know-how to enterprise roles and real persons

PASSAGE relies on 3 competitive advantages:
One of the first steps in the PASSAGE approach is identifying the job profiles which are strategic and essential to an existing business and the associated critical knowledge, that might be at risk in the organization as a result of attrition. These functions are supported by dedicated web-based diagnostic and forecast modules. This differs from traditional knowledge management, which focuses on connecting the right people at the right time to the right information. Another aspect is assessing the impact of lost knowledge and building awareness of it as a strategic.
PASSAGE provides web-based tools and methods to capture and formalize the industrial knowledge of a company, whether explicit or implicit. Derived from the proven MASK methodology, this light and intuitive approach, facilitates an efficient capturing of complex industrial experiences, concepts and relationships. It is an innovative approach, facilitating the work of human resource experts, consultants and managing staff, faced with growing demands, complexity and problems in HR management.
The collected information finds a safe place in dedicated remote repositories, where the “Corporate Memory” can be stored and preserved. As knowledge evolves, collaborative features allow overtime enrichment, updating and sharing of know-how. Rights for distributed corporate access can be easily set and collaboration teams for formalization of know-how easy maintained.
In the last step, captured knowledge of experienced employees, structured through models and documented with references, technical sheets, multimedia files, is prepared for an efficient transfer to new-comers or industrial partners. The structured learning content is extracted for authoring and deployment on elearning platforms. Profiling and fast knowledge transfer functions lead to a smooth appropriation of the know-how by the new employees, reducing the duration and risks of integration and leading to an efficient succession process.

Passage is a project supported by the European Union in the frame of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (Fp7). FP7 bundles all research-related EU initiatives together under a common roof playing a crucial role in reaching the goals of growth, competitiveness and employment.


În proiectul PASSAGE sunt implicaţi 14 parteneri din domeniul industiei şi cercetării, din 5 state membre EU/

 The project consortium involves 14 research and industrial partners from 5 EU member states: 


TexClubTec [ITALIA]

Project Coordinator


Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa [BULGARIA]




Hellenic Fashion Industry Association – SEPEE [GRECIA]


Ouest Mode Industrie [FRANŢA]


SME Partners: Marchi & Fildi (Italia), Nota (Grecia), Textile du Maine (Franţa)



Institut Français Textile Habillement [FRANŢA]

Technical Coordinator


Sol-Tec Soluzioni Technologiche [ITALIA]


Athens Technology Center [GRECIA]


Clothing Textile & Fibre Technology Development Company [GRECIA]


Raliant [ROMANIA]




Dr. Aldo Tempesti – Coordonator Proiect


Viale Sarca 223 20126 Milano, ITALIA

Email: [email protected]

Athanase Contargyris – Technical Coordonator

Institut Français Textile Habillement

14 rue des Reculletes, 75013 Paris, FRANTA

Email: tcontargyris @ ifth.org


Partener Naţional: APM Cluj/  NATIONAL CONTACT

Str. Avram Iancu, nr.52 , localitatea Cluj- Napoca

Persoana de Contact: Oana Rujan

tel/fax: 0264-430148 | email: proiecte@apm.ro | web: apm.ro


Găsiţi mai multe informaţii despre proiectul PASSAGE pe pagina de web: www.passage-project.eu



Programul Cadru 7 pentru Cercetare şi Dezvoltare

Comisia Europeană

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